Big Dave Show | STATTus Update

Super Streaker Says He Won $370,000 For Stunt – Here’s What’s Snapenin’

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The website Vitality Uncensored Owner (Vitality Zdorovetskiy) paid Yuri Andrade and a friend $5,000 to run on the field.  Because Vitality, during the last four Super Bowls, dropped $80,000 on tickets and tried to streak across the field. Each time, security stopped him.

Yuri had his friend cause a distraction and then he stormed onto the field.  The rest is history, sort of.

Before it all went down, Yuri says he made a huge $50,000 prop bet on the website Bovada.  The streaker is claiming to have won a profit of $370,000.  Yuri told his story on Tampa radio station WILD 94.1: