Big Dave Show | STATTus Update

Judge Bans All Elves From Shelves – Here’s What’s Snappenin’


Cobb County judge creates fake Elf on a Shelf ban

“Tired of living in Elf on the Shelf tyranny? Not looking forward to the Elf forgetting to move and causing your kids emotional distress? I am a public servant and will take the heat for you. My gift to tired parents,” Judge Leonard tweeted. “P.S. – If you love your elf, keep your elf. No contempt’s.”

But the Judge did say he knows the Elf is also watching him and he hopes this doesn’t put him on Santa’s Naughty list.

The official order means nothing to the Elves because they take their orders from the Big Man Up North

Here is the order banishing all elves from shelves in Cobb County, Georgia: